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Unizulu protesters face uncertain future

Unizulu protesters back in class while the university's investigation is pending

THE 32 students arrested during violent protests at the University of Zululand three weeks ago, are not yet out of the woods despite their release from police custody.

Although they are now back in class, their futures at the university will hang in the balance until the institution has completed its own investigation.

This is according to SRC Deputy President Ndumiso Ntshangase.

‘The court has granted them permission to return to the institution, but we are sure the university will still conduct its own investigation. Most of the violent acts were recorded on camera.’

ALSO READ: Students arrested during Unizulu violent protest

Ntshangase said the student leadership hoped the university will not be harsh and that innocent students would be cleared of all wrongdoing.

‘These are young people and shouldn’t be given harsh sentences which will ruin their lives.’

Students protested over unpaid food and transport allowances at the KwaDlangezwa campus, which eventually resulted in a complete shutdown of the institution.

Buildings were vandalised and set on fire and a police vehicle was torched.

Of the 32 students arrested during the rampage, 20 were charged for public violence and 12 for burglary.

The 12 were released on R1 000 bail.

The other 20 remained in police custody for more than a week, but were then granted R500 bail each.

They will appear in the Mtunzini Magistrate’s Court on Thursday, 5 May.



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