Lectures resume at Unizulu

KwaDlangezwa Campus reopened with no major problems last week

ALL operations are back to normal at the University of Zululand’s (Unizulu) KwaDlangezwa campus.

Apart from a small group of students who have not yet received their allowances, reports suggest learning resumed with no further incidents on Wednesday.

Students went back to class after the campus was shut down for two weeks following fiery protests over unpaid allowances.

The institution opened with strict conditions for students, which included the reactivation of student cards.

ALSO READ: Unizulu campus reopens under strict conditions

According to Unizulu, the reactivating of cards served to ensure students acknowledged and understood the terms and conditions of studying at the university and agreed to strictly comply with and adhere to the conditions.

Even though the protest caused much damage to buildings, especially the bookshop which left students without study materials, students on Friday confirmed that lectures resumed without further glitches.

‘We are now using our time to focus on our studies and helping each other to catch up on work. Even though no study materials are available, we are using other means and sharing books,’ said student Nosipho Mhlongo.

SRC Deputy President Ndumiso Ntshangase also confirmed that lectures resumed, saying the leadership was available to assist students with any issues they may have.


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