District tackles crime differently

‘Little Burundi’ raid looks for lost souls

IDENTIFYING and helping people who may end up on the wrong side of the law is a major focus of a new crime prevention initiative headed by the King Cetshwayo (KC) District Municipality.

The effort hit the ground running on Thursday when a large contingent of KC Crime Prevention colleagues joined members of CRG Security, the SAPS and CPFs, City Traffic, Department of Community Safety & Liaison and the Department of Social Development, to enter a literal crime jungle.

Deep in the heart of the southern block in the Richards Bay CBD – located between Bullion Boulevard, John Ross Parkway, East Central Arterial and Guldengracht – lies ‘Little Burundi’.

A young prostitute living in ‘Little Burundi’ is counselled by concerned Community Safety and Liaison members Thandi Hlophe (middle) and Sibulelo Ntuli (right) with volunteer Dumi Zikhali paying close attention
Photo: Dave Savides

The dense bush is a notorious home to squatters, criminals, the homeless and undocumented persons – all of whom are the ‘clients’ of prostitutes, who mainly comprise young runaway females.

Living in makeshift shelters, drug dependent and at the mercy of the elements as well as unscrupulous males, the young ladies who were encountered were surprised to receive counselling and offers of rehabilitation, instead of condemnation and arrest.

This is ‘home’ to some unfortunate person
Photo: Dave Savides

Outreach video

Aimed at increasing youth participation in crime prevention efforts, the programme is mainly targeting the five local municipalities within the district.

The visit was filmed and will form part of a video to be used to reach out to young people through social networks, TV and the print media.

Local youths will star in the footage and according to CK Dlamini, Youth Co-ordinator of the KC District, six local schools have already been covered in areas such as Brackenham, eSikhaleni, Arboretum and KwaMbonambi.


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