Police fired on during farm protest

The shooting led to wide-scale pillaging and arson on Corby Hill farm, owned by Dr Kabashane, where the main house, a cottage and 18 staff quarters were razed to the ground by protesters from the uMlalazi community

DESPITE community rumours to the contrary, the security guard arrested for the murder of a fisherman at a farm dam on Tuesday remains in custody following his appearance in the eShowe Magistrates’ Court on Thursday.

The shooting led to wide-scale pillaging and arson on Corby Hill farm, owned by Dr Kabashane, where the main house, a cottage and 18 staff quarters were razed to the ground by protesters from the uMlalazi community.

In addition, according to Col At Slinger, commanding officer of the Empangeni Public Order Policing Unit, sugar cane crops and other plantations were burnt and six sheds and a tractor were set light.

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‘Some unknown person also fired live shots at police at the scene,’ said Slinger.

‘While there were a few small burnt patches on adjacent farms, they did not come under attack.

‘However, occupants of other farms were seen removing possessions from their houses.

‘It is all calm at the moment and we are totally in control.

‘I have asked farmers to arrange a meeting with the iNkosi to try to establish dialogue while the law takes its course.’

Surrrounding farms and the R66 and P230 roads between eShowe and Nkwalini were also affected on Wednesday night and Thursday morning when protesters took to the road with burning of tyres and tree stumps.

PHOTO: Supplied


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