Increase in port cargo handling stats

Cargo figures were up on December's stats while other figures were slightly down

UP on its December shipping statistics, the Port of Richards Bay handled more than 10 million tonnes of cargo last month.

Just short of 9.5 million tonnes was shipped from Richards Bay, while 558 146 tonnes landed on our shores.

A total of nine vehicles were handled at the port, all of which were exported.

Total break bulk handled amounted to 410 256 tonnes, with 409 432 tonnes of break bulk having been shipped from the Port of Richards Bay.

A total of 824 tonnes of break bulk landed on our shores.

ALSO READ: Port of Richards Bay December shipping stats

Bulk handled in Richards Bay totaled 9 628 757 of which 9 071 434 was shipped from Richards Bay and 557 322 landed on our shores.

Down on December’s figures, a total of 151 vessels passed through the Port of Richards Bay last month.

At 107, bulk vessels were the most numerous, totaling 4 843 992 in gross tonnage.

Tankers were the next numerous, at 17 and totaling 350 781 in gross tonnage.

These consisted of 10 oil tankers, six chemical and one LPG.

Up on December’s statistics, eight passenger vessels docked at the Port of Richards Bay last month, totaling almost 300 000 tonnes.

Only three general cargo vessels passed through Richards Bay, totaling 91 000 tonnes.

Expressed in six metre units (twenty-foot equivalent), a total of 120 containers landed at the Port of Richards Bay, all of which were full, deep sea containers.

A total of 1 230 containers were shipped from Richards Bay, all of which were also full, deep sea containers.

This brought the total containers handled at Richards Bay in January to 1 350.

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