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Stationery drive gives pupils all the ‘write’ tools

In addition, stationery was also donated to the boys' and girls' clubs programmes of Amangwe Village (24), Kids Alive Initiative (70) and Amangwe Crèche (30)

THE Back to School stationery campaign, hosted by Boardwalk Inkwazi Shopping Centre and Amangwe Village, reaped phenomenal results with 19 stationery school packs to be distributed to primary and a high school learners.

In addition, stationery was also donated to the boys’ and girls’ clubs programmes of Amangwe Village (24), Kids Alive Initiative (70) and Amangwe Crèche (30).

According to Amangwe Village Manager Erna Steynbank, the campaign was rolled out in January and collection boxes were placed inside the shopping centre. ‘The stationery will be distributed to children from Grade R to Grade 12 who are in foster care, orphaned and vulnerable, children whose parents are too sick to work to earn an income, support groups for children and children in child-headed households.

‘The stationery drive benefited 143 children and we kept some stationery so we can replenish it around June.

‘We will buy more stationery with the cash donations of over R500 and add it to the stock we currently have for distribution.

‘Our appreciation and thanks goes to the Boardwalk Inkwazi Shopping Centre and the community for assisting us with this stationery drive. We know it will bring many smiles to all the recipients,’ she said.

Amangwe services focus on early childhood development, home-based care for patients and their families in the community, women empowerment, food security by training community members to grow their own food gardens, and services to orphaned and vulnerable children.

These services include a life skills club for boys and girls between the ages of 12 and 17.

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