
Richards Bay family fights off armed hijackers

Shooting unfolds during attempted hijacking ordeal in Aquadene

AN AQUADENE resident and his family, held up by two armed men on Thursday night during an attempted hijacking outside their home in Bacopa Bend, escaped unharmed after fighting off the perpetrators.

Lee-Mark Williamson and his friend, Jonathan Pekoba, were chatting in the driveway at about 9.30pm when the gunmen approached them and demanded the keys to their vehicles.

When they refused, a scuffle ensued and Lee-Mark was pinned to the ground while Pekoba managed to run into the house to alert the family.

Williamson’s wife Charmaine, who was watching television at the time, ran to her bedroom and called the police, while Jonathan ran to the bedroom where the family’s two young boys were sleeping.

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According to Charmain they managed to close the front sliding door, but the one suspect fired a gunshot, shattering the glass.

‘He entered the house and picked up my husband’s cellphone from the table and the keys to our vehicle.

‘They tried to open our bakkie with the wrong keys before fleeing on foot. My husband and his friend gave chase, but the hijackers escaped in a getaway vehicle which was waiting at the main road of the township.

‘Our suburb is very safe and we usually sit outside our home on many nights, so this incident came as a surprise.

‘There is always activity on the streets till late. We are still in shock that the criminals were so brazen to hold us up at gunpoint and even fire shots.

‘While there was damage to the house and we lost the keys to our bakkie, we are grateful that nobody was harmed during the ordeal. The Richards Bay SAPS responded quickly,’ said Charmaine.

Aquadene Community Police Forum Chairperson Phillip Stainbank was also alarmed by the incident and encouraged residents to be more cautious around their property.


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