
A young doctor in the making

Anél Jordaan is looking forward to studying medicine at Wits

ANÉL Jordaan emerged as Richards Bay High School’s top matric learner for the Class of 2017, achieving a Bachelor’s pass with seven distinctions.

With life orientation and English first additional language her highest results, in which she achieved 95% and 93% respectively, Anél was chuffed with her performance, especially after all the hard work she put in.

‘I was expecting to do well, but some of my marks really were a pleasant surprise.’

ALSO READ: Seven distinctions for Birdsview learner

Anél’s distinctions have firmly confirmed her a place at Wits University, where she will study medicine.

‘I’m really looking forward to it, despite having none of my friends going to Wits with me.

‘It’s the start of the rest of my life and I am going to make the most of every opportunity that comes my way, as well as work as hard as I can.’

Anél decided when she was 16 years old that she wanted to study medicine and cannot remember being as interested in studying anything else.

‘I think it’s a very interesting field to go into and it will serve me well in life.

‘I do have a lot of studying ahead of me once I start university, so for the next few weeks I’m going to enjoy the rest of my holiday and have quality time with my friends and family.’


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