Zimbabwe permit deadline extended

Of the estimated 197 941 Zimbabwean nationals eligible for ZEP, 172 585 applicants have completed their online forms and 143 154 applicants have secured their appointments

THE Department of Home Affairs has extended the closing date for the submission of documents and biometrics for the Zimbabwean Exemption Permit (ZEP) to 31 January.

This will allow Zimbabweans additional time to complete their appointments at the VFS Global offices.

Of the estimated 197 941 Zimbabwean nationals eligible for ZEP, 172 585 applicants have completed their online forms and 143 154 applicants have secured their appointments.

The rest of the applicants are urged to complete this process as soon as possible.

The entire process has been completed by 83 808 applicants, ie submission of application, required documents and enrollment of biometrics.

Applicants are encouraged to keep all documents ready when applying for the ZEP. Applicants can use the helpline, email or Facebook page for any queries and further assistance.

Contact details: Tel (0)10 593 4585; Email – info.zep@vfshelpline.com; Facebook page – ZimbabweanExemptionPermit.

Alternatively, applicants can visit enquiry booths in all 10 ZEP centres across South Africa, where staff will address their queries expeditiously.

ALSO READ: Zimbabwean permits to expire on 31 December 2017


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