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Good progress on Empangeni interchange

Motorists are urged to adhere to the temporary speed reduction measures

THE next phase of the Empangeni N2 interchange construction is underway, with the lifting of the bridge support loads commencing this week.

Motorists must note that when support loads are being lifted, all traffic will be filtered onto one carriageway.

This will not be done during peak hours, but will be limited to between 9am and 3pm, and only on days when lifting is being done.

Concor, the contractor undertaking the work, has organised for City of uMhlathuze pointsmen to be on site during peak traffic times to help regulate traffic flow.

ALSO READ: N2 Mtunzini-to-Empangeni upgrade completion due in 2019

Small speed bumps have already been installed on either side of the bridge as a traffic calming measure to avoid accidents while the work is being carried out.

The speed limit in the vicinity of the bridge will be reduced to 40km/h, which will remain in place for the duration of the festive season.

‘Rumble strips will be installed on the approach to the bridge from both Empangeni and Richards Bay, as well as on the slip road from the N2 to the R34,’ said Concor Engineer Kyle McDonald.

‘This is again a traffic calming measure to encourage motorists to reduce speed in the vicinity and avoid accidents, which could damage the support structures.’

The lifting of the support structures will be ongoing until mid-December and motorists are urged to adjust their travelling schedules to allow for potential delays.

While the intersection will not be closed while work is being carried out, motorists wanting to avoid it can do so by using the R102 both north and south and the eNseleni intersection into Richards Bay.

The road will be fully functional by mid-January.


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