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Greenbelt mess a major health risk

The municipality must be held accountable for what goes on in the greenbelts

WHILE conducting a greenbelt raid last week, Meerensee CPF members were horrified by what they found.

Apart from illegal dumping of a variety of waste, they found shopping trolleys and evidence of vagrants living in the bush when they came across makeshift accommodation and clothing hanging on trees as if on a washing line.

‘uMhlathuze Municipality must start accounting for why they are not cleaning up,’ said CPF member Corrie Pretorius.

He said about 12 people appeared to be living in one area, and they fled when they saw the patrollers.

At least 12 vagrants were spotted in one stretch of the greenbelt
PHOTO: Corrie Pretorius

ALSO READ: Launch of  campaign to curb illegal dumping

Health implications of the unsightly mess and vagrants living without sanitary infrastructure aside, the health and safety of the area’s wildlife and bird life is placed in jeopardy by the rubbish which, if eaten, could kill, injure, or make them sick.

The waste, which reportedly includes human faeces and condoms, lies within six metres of where the municipality cuts the verges.

This comes in the wake of the municipality announcing their clampdown on illegal dumping.

According to the CPF, the municipality agreed to send a delegation of officials to check conditions in Meerensee’s greenbelt areas, but this has not materialised.

The City of uMhlathuze was contacted for a statement but, at the time of going to print, none was forthcoming.


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