SA urgently needs leaders of integrity – Buthelezi

SA needs good leadership- says Buthelezi

ECONOMIC survival will only be possible if the country gets trusted leadership in place to administer the State’s resources with integrity and wisdom.

Speaking at a thanksgiving rally in Nkandla, IFP President Prince Mangosuthu Buthelezi said something drastic needed to be done to redirect South Africa.

‘Leaders who fail to lead must be replaced. I’m not talking about radical economic transformation, whatever that means.

‘I’m talking about social upheavals and protests. I’m talking about those who are damaging our economy with poor policies and bad decisions,’ Buthelezi said.

‘Those who are enriching themselves while the poor suffer and loot the country’s resources must be replaced. It may not be easy, but it needs to be done.

‘I have warned repeatedly that things are going to get worse before they get better. We need to instill values among SA’s leaders.

Buthelezi told a packed Nkandla Stadium that the reason things move so slowly in government was not because good things take time.

‘It’s because so many people who are meant to do their jobs are absent, incompetent or corrupt. I have been in government for decades. I know how it works.

‘In such a large bureaucracy it is easy for corruption to slip in unnoticed.

‘That’s why I have taken a zero tolerance approach to bribes, corner-cutting and friendly favours.

‘In government, leaders must set the example of absolute integrity and demand integrity from anyone they lead,’ he said.

iNkosi Xulu, iNkosi Cebekhulu and iNkosi Biyela were also in attendance

Electoral support

Buthelezi thanked the people of Nkandla for honouring the IFP with their electoral support.

He said the partnership of trust was the very reason the IFP governs in Nkandla.

‘For years we have worked hand-in-hand with this community. We have served your needs with integrity and have given you representatives you can trust.

‘After the local government elections the media heralded the IFP’s victory in Nkandla as something quite remarkable. The fact that people voted IFP in the hometown of the ANC’s leader spoke volumes about trust and confidence.’

Buthelezi’s visit to Nkandla was his first in the district after it was named after his maternal great-grandfather King Cetshwayo kaMpande.

‘When I heard that this district was named after His Majesty King Cetshwayo kaMpande, I found that this did not sit well with me.

‘But when I remembered that the great monarch of the Zulu nation suffered so much, it was quite appropriate to name the district after him,’ he said.


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