Double drowning tragedy at St Lucia

The body of one of the victims remains missing – police search continues

THERE were two separate drowning incidents at St Lucia on Sunday, and the body of one of the victims remains missing.

The NSRI Richards Bay duty coxswain said that his base was contacted by police on Sunday afternoon and they immediately responded.

On their arrival, SPAS Search and Rescue members had recovered the body of a 17 year-old girl.

The second victim, a 30 year-old male, remains missing, despite a search.

Craig Lambinon of Sea Rescue Communications said the drownings occurred at separate times in the day.

‘The incident with the 17 year old female reportedly happened at 12h30 and the incident with the 30 year old male reportedly happened at 2.30pm,’ he said.

The body of the young girl has been taken to the SAPS Forensic Pathology Services, and an inquest docket has been opened.

‘SAPS Search and Rescue are continuing an ongoing search operation for the missing man and they have opened an investigation into this incident,’ he concluded.

ALSO READ: Body found flaoting in Ulundi’s Imbilane River


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