New hijacking modus operandi

According to reports, hijackers now kidnap their victims in an attempt to delay the response time of law enforcement

A NEW modus operandi has been adopted by hijackers in the region.

According to reports, hijackers now kidnap their victims in an attempt to delay the response time of law enforcement.

Earlier this month the ZO reported on a case in which a Richards Bay man picked up two hitch-hikers on the N2, who then forced him into the boot of his car and drove around for hours while the hijackers tried selling his car on the black market.

The ZO is aware of at least nine cases within the past month in which people have been kidnapped and driven around by the perpetrators who either try to find a buyer for the vehicle, or drop them off somewhere before taking the vehicle across the Mozambican border.

Police in the region say they are aware of this new method of hijacking and are hot on the heels of the syndicates involved.

Speaking to the ZO, Empangeni Station Commander, Brigadier Jeros Thango, said he could not divulge too much information at this stage as it could affect operations they have in place.

‘What I can say is that we are working on very good information that we have received. The District Cluster Commander is also aware and we have been working closely together to put an end to this.

‘If you do find yourself in such a situation of being kept hostage, you must try and remain calm and comply with what the perpetrators say.

‘I want to commend the community for providing us with information and encourage them to continue doing so, so that we may take those involved to task,’ said Thango.

‘People need to identify strangers and unknown vehicles in their areas.

‘They should inform police or even their local security company if they are suspicious of a person or a vehicle.

‘I am in the process of arranging meetings with Neighbourhood Watch members and CPFs to get a better understanding of what is going on at ground level,’ Thango said.

ALSO READ: Vehicle and tyre thefts on the rise


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