
Vehicle and tyre thefts on the rise

Criminals targeting Brackenham residents

BRACKENHAM residents have been hard hit by a crime wave involving vehicle and tyre thefts.

Criminals have been stealing older model vehicles and also removing tyres from cars, leaving them standing on bricks.

According to Brackenham Community Crime Watch (BCCW) member Vernon Pillay, another vehicle was stolen in the early hours of Friday morning.

The blue Mazda 323 Sting was stolen from a house in Boston Bend between midnight and 2am.

‘The owner said he heard noises at around 1am and the dogs were barking, but he assumed it was the wind and went back to sleep.

‘There has been an ongoing problem of tyre theft between 3am and 5am, so we changed our night patrol times on

Thursday night and Friday morning to try and catch the criminals.

‘It was unual because the streets were so quite. We began patrolling at 3am and unfortunately the vehicle was stolen earlier.

‘In the early hours of Thursday morning tyres were stolen from a vehicle in Airfern Angle.

‘BCCW will continue with patrols and we believe the perpetrators will be apprehended soon,’ said Pillay.

Meanwhile, burglaries along the greenbelts are still a major problem and residents are urged to exercise caution and not leave valuable items lying around the yard.


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