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Pollution watcher named in enviro honours list

Local honoured with enviro award

LOCAL anti-pollution activist, Sandy Camminga, has been recognised for her important contribution in caring for the environment.

WESSA (Wildlife and Environment Society of South Africa) on Friday paid tribute to a wide range of outstanding environmental achievements at the organisation’s 2017 Annual Awards and 91st AGM, held in Durban.

One of two recipients in the Individual category, Camminga’s citation read: ‘In recognition of her tenacity and committed environmental lobbying as the founder of the Richards Bay Clean Air Association. WESSA acknowledges her sustained track-record of promoting and securing environmental well-being. We salute her enthusiasm and community-engaged contribution to ‘Caring for the Earth’.’

In response, Camminga said while it was pleasing and humbling to be appreciated for her commitment and sacrifice over many years, ‘one does not get involved in community issues for the recognition’.

‘It is the duty of every person who enjoys the environment we live in, to play a part in ensuring it remains as unpolluted and healthy as possible.’



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