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Talk on Nova Scotia sinking

The presentation will provide the ideal opportunity for Zululanders to learn a bit more about the historical events of their region

HISTORY enthusiasts are invited to attend a presentation on the sinking of the Nova Scotia to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the incident which went down in history as the biggest maritime disaster to have occurred in South African waters.

The sinking of the Nova Scotia occurred on the Zululand coastline just north of St Lucia.

Local historian Jaycee van der Walt has put together a commemorative talk on the incident, which attracted worldwide criticism owing to the highly controversial story behind the sinking.

‘Apart from commemorating this most historic event, I would like to bring together the people in our region who are of German, Italian and Portuguese ancestry, as those were the main players in the incident,’ said van der Walt.

‘The objective is to honour 654 Italian prisoners of war and one Italian child who died when the Nova Scotia was mistakenly torpedoed by Kapitänleutnant Robert Gysea of German submarine U-177 on 28 November, 1942.

‘I will also cover the German point of view, plus the magnificent rescue efforts by Portuguese frigate, Afonso de Albuquerque, of Maputo.’

The talk will be held at Panarotti’s in the Boardwalk Inkwazi Shopping Centre at 8pm on 21 November, just a few days shy of the actual anniversary of the sinking.

The presentation is free, but space is limited.

To reserve a spot, contact Van der Walt on 035 75 31433, 084 2389976 or vanderwalt123@telkomsa.net


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