Hippo starves to death after being snared by poachers

Poachers snare hippo

AN adult hippo carcass was discovered near the banks of Lake Mzingazi late Thursday afternoon.

Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife official Phumla Zulu received a call from a community member at about 4.30pm, reporting a hippo caught in a snare in a forest area close to the weir at Forel Alley, near Richtek.

‘We rushed to the scene and found a hippo carcass with a snare attached to the left hind foot.

Made from a thick wire cable and secured to a tree, the snare was tangled around the left hind leg of the hippo

ALSO READ: Heavyweight hippo danger

‘It looks like the poor animal starved to death. The carcass is more than two weeks old and has already started decomposing.

‘It is extremely cruel and upsetting to see such a wonderful creature killed in this way.’

Zulu believes the poachers were targeting antelope such as bushbuck and duikers which roam the area.


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