
Richards Bay man (54) survives attack after being knocked out by blowpipe dart

Beach attack leaves man fearing HIV positive status

A VICIOUS daylight attack on the beach north of Alkantstrand saw a Richards Bay man drugged, bleeding, robbed and now fearing he may be HIV positive.

After receiving extensive medical treatment, the 54-year-old victim on Friday revealed details of the shocking event that took place at around 1pm on Wednesday, 19 July.

‘I often walk along the beach looking for driftwood and on this occasion I had passed Five Mile beach heading for the lighthouse area to meditate,’ said the man, a regular benevolence worker at his church.

‘There was nobody else on the beach and at one stage I thought I heard voices, but could see nothing when I looked up towards the dunes.

‘I could not continue because of the tide and headed back towards Alkantstrand.

‘Next thing I felt a sharp sting in my buttock and saw what I know to be a dart fired from a blowpipe.

‘It must have contained a powerful tranquiliser because before I had walked 50 metres I felt dizzy and collapsed.’

The victim only awoke after 5pm, finding himself in the water on the shoreline.

‘My trousers were around my ankles and the pain was excruciating – shells and stones had been pushed into my anus, and a stick had even penetrated my bladder.

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‘My cellphone, bag of groceries and cash had been taken, but I was left with my glasses, sunglasses and keys.’

The victim tried in vain to scale the dune at Kleiklipklofie and made slow, painful progress towards the kiteboard beach, bleeding profusely.

He then proceeded in agony to his residence in Meerensee, only arriving there at 7pm.

There he collapsed again and when his plight became known to the homeowner, he was rushed to hospital with serious injuries and badly traumatised.

‘I could have died from the tranquiliser or by drowning or from loss of blood.

‘I am left wearing a catheter, but at least now the bleeding has stopped. On Wednesday I will know if there is any permanent damage.

‘Now I must also await test results to see if I am HIV positive.

‘They did give me ‘morning after’ ARV shots, but only after being checked at the clinic in six weeks’ time will I discover my fate.

‘I want my experience to warn others not to ever walk along the beach alone.’


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