Aquadene sewage project back on track

Municipality claims the development, months behind schedule, should be completed this week

THE Aquadene bulk sewage project, now running 27 weeks (nearly seven months) behind schedule, is 92% complete and should be wrapped up by the end of this week.

This is according to a report presented last week to the City of uMhlathuze Municipality’s executive committee.

In the beginning of the year, operations were halted for a month owing to protests and objections by the community directed towards Thokgoga Projects – the company contracted to install the infrastructure for the Aquadene Housing Project.

Community members were disgruntled by the appointment of an outside subcontractor as well as lack of safety regulations and barricades at construction sites, and not employing a workforce from ward 26.

After several meetings with the City of uMhlathuze Speaker Mfundo Mthenjana, the site was finally reopened at the end of February.

But the community upheaval was only one of the obstacles faced by Thokgoga.

According to the municipal report, challenges that further back-tracked progress were late deliveries of valves, pumps and other materials as well as unknown services to pipe routes on site.

‘This caused significant delays to the project.

ALSO READ: Housing project contractor locked out

‘The contractor had to deal with unknown services, which adjoined and crossed over the planned pipe routes.’

Fortunately, it was noted there were no environmental, financial or legal implications.

The sewage infrastructure will service housing for employed people who do not qualify for a bond, as well as 1 500 rental units and 650 low cost houses.


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