Look what the wind blew in

The lucky guests witnessed the cheetah taking down an impala while camping in the Mkhuze region

GUESTS were literally blown away with a ‘kairos’ sighting of a cheetah kill right outside their luxury tent on a glamping safari in the Mkuze region.

Graeme and Inge Markham forfeited the customary morning game drive at Mavela Game Lodge to avoid a gusty gale.

Unbeknown to them, fate was in their favour. The wind blew their tent door wide open and Graeme alighted to close it.

In a flash, an impala came thundering past with an agile cheetah hot on its heels. The impala was brought down barely ten metres away.

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Once the adrenalin levels had subsided, they crept out to make contact with the lodge staff.

Field guide Sam Vorster said that ‘their excitement was palpable’ and he quietly drove them around the camp to view the cheetah from an angle where it would not be disturbed.

Mavela is situated in the Manyoni Private Game reserve (previously named the Zululand Rhino Reserve) where cheetahs are accustomed to game drive vehicles stopping to view them. This enabled the trio to sit silently and watch the unique event at length.


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