King Cetshwayo District Municipality outfits Richards Bay learners with uniforms

King Cetshwayo District Municipality leadership recently visited Richards Bay Secondary School in Brackenham to distribute new uniforms and school shoes to 19 learners

PROMOTING education as a key priority, the King Cetshwayo District Municipality leadership recently visited Richards Bay Secondary School in Brackenham to distribute new uniforms and school shoes to 19 learners.

The delegation was led by speaker, Cllr Khulani Hadebe who encouraged the youngsters to take their education seriously and to work hard at producing excellent results. He said parents, community members and government representatives should all be part of promoting and advancing education.

‘The child and teacher both need to be motivated at all times and our communities and parents must create an environment, which is fertile for them to flourish. ‘All members of society have a role to play, our communities must protect our educators as well, we cannot distance ourselves from our children’s education.

‘Learners at Richards Bay Secondary are fortunate to be in a school which is well resourced. ‘As the school celebrates its 30th anniversary in August, community members and former learners must ask themselves what has been their contribution to assisting and giving back to their school.’

He encouraged locals to visit the school and pledge their support to assisting the school with their projects. Another concern raised by Hadebe was the non-payment of school fees by parents.

‘Let us not give children this burden as school fee payments are the responsibility of the parent and the child’s role is to attend school and learn.

‘Drugs have also infiltrated into our schools and we are appealing to our youth to not fall victim to substance abuse.’


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