
Peaceful by-election expected in Nquthu

May by-elections on track

BOTH the ANC and IFP have already traded punches, accusing each other of unfair play in the lead-up to next month’s Nquthu by-election, but the KwaZulu-Natal Political Intervention Committee has full confidence in the Independent Electoral Commission.

The committee, chaired by the MEC for Transport, Community Safety and Liaison, Mxolisi Kaunda, met last week to assess the state of readiness to conduct the by-election on 24 May.

Nquthu became one of the hung municipalities in the province after last year’s local government elections and sittings to elect the council were characterised by tension.

The provincial Government has made several interventions to calm the situation, but this did not yield positive results.

The committee, constituted by all political parties in the province, provides a platform for political parties to engage on issues related to peace, stability and political tolerance.

The by-election is expected to be highly contested, given that a number of new political parties have shown interest in contesting.

While the law enforcement agencies raised concerns about a number of incidents which indicated the area was unstable, the committee is committed to ensuring that a free and fair election takes place.

‘We are pleased that the political parties have committed themselves to a stable environment.

‘As political parties, we must continue to preach the message of peace during the campaigning period.

‘We have also received a commitment from the police that they will maintain visibility in the area prior and during the election to maintain peace and stability,’ said Kaunda.


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