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Fatal accident on the John Ross

One man lost his life when a vehicle overturned on the John Ross on Sunday morning

A CASE of culpable homicide was opened in Richards Bay on Sunday after a vehicle overturned near the eSikhaleni intersection on the John Ross Parkway.

The incident, in which a passenger died, occurred at about 4am on Sunday when the vehicle was travelling from Richards Bay to eSikhaleni.

While the accident is still under investigation by Richards Bay SAPS, it appears as if the 25-year-old male driver lost control.

No other vehicles were involved.

Neither the driver nor his 18-year-old girlfriend were seriously injured.

The driver told emergency personnel he did not know who the third occupant was as he was a hitchhiker they gave a lift to.

The deceased was not carrying an ID, so police do not know his name or age.

The body was transported to the state mortuary.


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