
Mandeni Mayor accelerates service delivery

Hlomendlini Project to go ahead

MANDENI Mayor Sphesihle Zulu has committed himself to accelerate service delivery for the benefit of the local community.

Speaking at the introduction of the Hlomendlini Project Contractor last week, Zulu said he wanted to provide clarity to questions about the completion of the Hlomendlini sports field, the crèche and the community hall left incomplete owing to differences between the service provider and the Department of Human Settlements in 2010.

‘Today I am pleased to announce Lwandiswa Construction as the service provider responsible for the construction of the facilities.’

The first phase of the project will deal with the completion of the community hall and crèche, whereas the second phase will focus on the construction of the sports field.

Zulu said the project should take six months to complete.

‘In as far as manpower is concerned, the project steering committee consisting of Ward 4 residents will be launched to facilitate the project.’


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