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Free education has its merit

Joe Slovo remembered

THE nationwide call for free education is a justified one which needs to be supported by all South Africans.

However, for this campaign to be effective, it must be clear that free education should benefit the poor and the children of the working class only.

Delivering a memorial lecture during the Joe Slovo Right to Learn Campaign at the University of Zululand, KZN Executive Member of the South African Communist Party (SACP), Vusi Mahaye, said rich people who can afford higher education must pay.

‘We cannot behave as if South Africa is a country of the poor. Yes, the majority of our children are poor, but there are those who come from rich families and they must foot the bill.’

Mahaye said there was nothing wrong with the Fees Must Fall campaign, but warned against those whom he said were out to hijack the ‘noble cause’.

‘While we may support this initiative, it worries us that this campaign is being led by historical white institutions. That alone shows that something is wrong there,’ he said.

Mahaye described the late Joe Slovo, who was the national SACP Chairman and first Minister of Housing, as a principled and selfless leader, who valued education highly.

‘As we remember Slovo’s ideals and teachings, we are mindful of the fact that education was close to his heart. Slovo was one leader who always emphasised that education must be made fashionable, and we will be failing the youth if we don’t live up to that spirit.

‘We are also gathered here to celebrate the life of a man who believed that socialism was the future.
‘If we look closely and analyse the state of affairs in the country, poverty and inequalities still feature prominently. As a result we can’t therefore say capitalism is the answer.

‘In fact we are yet to witness successful stories of capitalism, not only here in South Africa, but worldwide.

‘A man of Joe Slovo’s calibre is sorely missed. When there were challenges in the ANC led alliance, he was able to find a way forward and resolve any differences in a diplomatic way. We have a shortage of such leaders in today’s politics,’ Mahaye said.


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