Wheelchair entrepreneur

Logan Kerr is industrious by nature and believes his wheelchair repairing services are much-needed in the region

IT was during his years at the Open Air School in Durban that Logan Kerr became adept at modifying wheelchairs, primarily for wheelchair races.

While Logan left behind his wheelchair racing days with his youth, he has now turned to repairing them.

Motivated by the high number of broken wheelchairs at hospitals and clinics, both private and State, the Richards Bay resident believes he has found a niche in the market.

‘The number of wheelchairs without foot- and arm-rests that I have seen at hospitals is astounding,’ said Logan.

‘Wheelchairs are very expensive and those needing even minor repairs are discarded, leading to a drastic shortage.’

Logan has already set his business in motion by finding a spares company in Durban which will supply him with wheelchair parts.

‘I will keep a stock of spares at my house so when people bring wheelchairs to be repaired, I can get straight on with the job.’

He will stock the most frequently used parts, needing only to order in specialist parts if necessary.

‘I also have access to an engineering company which will do welding jobs on wheelchairs with broken frames,’ said Logan.

Meanwhile, Logan is adding the finishing touches to his self-designed wheelchair repair station for which he needs practical help.

As Logan suffers from epilepsy and cannot drive, the wheelchairs in need of repair should be brought to him.

‘It would be good if I could get contracts with the local hospitals, to be the designated person repairing their broken wheelchairs, but I would need them brought to me. So if we can work our way around that, I am the man for the job.’

While this would be a good income generator for Logan, his motivation for setting up this business is to cover the costs of his recent heart surgery.

‘I had stents inserted but my medical aid did not cover the surgery. By repairing wheelchairs, I will be able to pay the hospital, earn a living and provide a necessary service in the area.

‘I want to help anyone who is confined to a wheelchair, as I know what it is to be disabled and need help getting around’.

For more information, Logan can be contacted on 035 7531708 or 079 9711358.


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