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Anti-abuse helpline up and running

Meerensee is the first CPF in the Richards Bay cluster with a dedicated anti-abuse task team but plans to roll this out among the other eight CPFs in the area

AFTER launching its dedicated domestic violence task team and helpline a mere three weeks ago, the Meerensee Community Policing Forum (CPF) plans to roll out the task team to other forums within the Richards Bay cluster.

Through the newly set-up 24-hour hotline, trained task team members are usually first on the scene of a domestic violence situation.

Once on scene, the members notify SAPS and the two entities work together with both victim and perpetrator.

Amongst others, the task team consists of spiritual counsellors and qualified social workers who work towards rehabilitation for victims.

Various guest houses have also volunteered to provide safe havens to victims who may fear for their safety once a crime has been reported and charges laid.

The task team’s clear mandate of tackling all forms of domestic abuse and suicides, and working closely with law enforcement, means that such victims will have access to immediate support.

Community members are called to report all domestic violence situations, but to remember that the hotline is purely for such cases and not general crime reporting.

Existing means of reporting house break-ins and other general crime remain.

Until such time as the other eight Richards Bay CPFs have received the required training and have their own dedicated domestic violence task teams operational, the Meerensee task team will handle all such complaints. Once the other CPF task teams are established, one hotline will serve all areas, with the relevant task team being dispatched to call-outs.

The public are urged to note the 24-hour domestic abuse helpline – 084 7833020 – and report all domestic violence situations.


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