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A class act proposal

While Dewald Van Zyl does not always plan big romantic gestures like his proposal, the fact that he is a hands-on husband and father is more important to Johlene

WHEN Dewald van Zyl proposed to his girlfriend on Richards Bay Primary School’s sports fields, little did he know that, not only would he have succeeded in pulling off a unique proposal, but that it would eventually earn them the title as ‘Zululand’s Most Fiery Couple’.

Friends since they were in Grade 2, Dewald and Johlene are in no doubt the strong friendship they forged long before they even considered getting romantically involved has, and will continue to, stand them in good stead.

‘He is the one who knows me inside and out, supports me through good and bad, helps me mark books and change nappies with a smile and loves me unconditionally,’ said Johlene of Dewald in her entry into the Zululand Observer’s Valentine’s Day competition.

Dewald went to great lengths planning his proposal, which he carried out on 4 December 2009, and which brought together all aspects of their lives, both past and present.

‘We went to Richards Bay Primary School together and now Johlene is a teacher there,’ said Dewald. ‘And when we got engaged, I had been working at the school, building the sports store room on the field’.

Dewald Van Zyl spent weeks planning his unique and quirky proposal to his life-long friend Johlene

Now their daughter also attends the school.

After laying out white and red painted bricks to write ‘Liefie, trou met my’ on the field, buying a bunch of red roses, taking the ring to work that day and even changing into a suit and tie, Dewald was ready to pop the question.

Oblivious to all the goings on, despite the involvement of numerous teachers and children in the operation, Johlene was called out to the field to ‘break up a fight’.

Making her way there, Johlene was met with the biggest surprise of her life.

She accepted and the couple got married one year later to the day, in the Drakensberg.

Six years later Dewald and Johlene are still happily married and enjoying family life with their two children.

Both Dewald and Johlene agree that the key to their happy marriage is making time for each other and working through things, both ups and downs, together, laughing together and ensure good communication and mutual respect.

Their competition entry won Dewald and Johlene a romantic Valentine’s dinner at the Peermont Umfolozi Casino Resort on Tuesday evening.


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