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Roll-out of new chronic medication system

KZN Health MEC Dr Sibongiseni Dhlomo, in collaboration with community leaders, presided over a roll-out of a central chronic medication dispensing and distribution programme

KZN Health MEC Dr Sibongiseni Dhlomo, in collaboration with community leaders, presided over a roll-out of a central chronic medication dispensing and distribution (CCMDD) programme at Khula Village recently.

The aim of the scheme is to ease pressure on clinics and patients over 18 years who have been on chronic medication for more than six months

Treatment can now be obtained at various points in the uMkhanyakude District such as clinics, private chemists, doctors’ rooms, war rooms, crèches and other centres.

Inkosi MM Mkhwanazi, Mtubatuba Mayor Cllr Qhina Mkhwanazi and ward 3 Councillor S Khumalo were among local leadership who pledged their support for the programme, and commended the Health Department for coming up with the scheme.

How does CCMDD work?

Chronic medication is delivered to community-based contracted service providers.

The patients pick up their medication from these points rather than from health facilities. Health facilities can still serve as pick-up points however.

Patients must register at their respective health facilities to collect medication at convenient pick-up points.

SMS messages will advise patients when they can collect their medication from the pick-up points.

People must ensure they collect their medication from their chosen pick-up point on the date recorded on their collection card and produce an ID, passport or asylum permit.

Patients will be expected to report for check-ups at their health facility every six months for prescription renewal.

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