A fairy tale Christmas for Richards Bay granny

Maroela Media in partnership with Cell C ran a competition that would reunite one family with their loved ones

A RICHARDS Bay woman who had never seen her two grandchildren in the flesh was this Christmas given the ultimate gift.

Maroela Media in partnership with Cell C ran a competition that would reunite one family with their loved ones who were overseas and could not afford to visit – and Riana Minny of Richards Bay was the lucky winner.

From hundreds of entries Minny was chosen as one of 25 semi-finalists and went on to be one of the seven finalists.

She never realised she had won until she came home on Christmas to find her son Johann Brouwer, whom she had not seen in five years, with his wife Bianca Boccia and two grandkids Mia (4) and Eli (1) waiting for her.

Johann has been working in the United Kindom since 2012.

The reunion was for Minny, who calls herself a ‘Skype-grandma’ a total surprise.

She had only ever seen Mia and Eli on a computer screen and tears flowed as an emotional Minny took stock.

Also as part of the competition, the family would receive a fantastic party to the value of R60 000 and to everyone’s surprise – the party turned into a wedding for Johann and Bianca, who had not been able to afford the wedding of their dreams.


Tears of joy as Riana Minny is reunited with her family after five years Photo – Maroela Media

Visit www.zululandobserver.co.za to watch the video that Maroela published:



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