Police investigate cow killings

Community up in arms over cow killings

THE senseless shooting of three cows in a forest near Mandlanzini last week has angered community members and police.

Condemning the killing, Richards Bay SAPS Station Commander, Brigadier Brenda Mgenge, said the act was cruel and heartless.

She confirmed that Richards Bay SAPS are investigating the incident.

Brigadier Mgenge said two unknown suspects on a motorcycle opened fire on the herd of cattle

‘The perpetrators first drove through the forest around midday, and returned at about 3pm, shooting at the grazing cattle and forcing the herdsmen to flee.

‘The herdsmen identified the shooters as two white males.

‘One of the cows was shot at eight times and the others had two or three gunshot wounds.

‘Residents are highly upset and tensions are running high in the community over the brazen attack,’ said Mgenge.

‘We have intervened, held a meeting with community elders to assure the community that the police are working on the matter.

‘This was a malicious attack and we do not want to see such incidents cause racial tension.

‘Cattle are expensive and these animals represent the wealth and livelihood of some community members.

‘From a cultural perspective it is important for a man to own cattle and is considered even more important than having money in the bank.’


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