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Rethink what you drink before you drive

Law enforcement agencies will again adopt a ‘Zero Tolerance’ approach to drunk drivers this festive season

THE most serious result of driving drunk is not necessarily spending a few days in jail and facing hefty fines, but rather a trip in a hearse for you or innocent others.

This is the message SANCA Zululand wanted to drive home when it partnered with among others the KZN Liquor Authority, Department of Social Development, Department of Health, City of uMhlathuze and the Department of Economic Development and Tourism to spread the word among drivers at the N2 North Coast Engen just outside Empangeni.

‘The aim is to spread the message that driving while under the influence of alcohol is something they should never even consider,’ said SANCA Zululand Director, Shireen Sahadev.

‘We will hand out educational flyers and chat to as many drivers as possible today,’ she said.

While the emphasis was strongly placed on responsible drinking and driving practices, the Department of Economic Development also handed out flyers advising people on how to best manage their finances over the Christmas period.

‘There are school fees in January and all sorts of other expenses that many people don’t think about,’ said Sahadev.

To highlight that saving was better than spending needlessly, some motorists received a small plastic ‘piggy bank’ to save up some extra cash.

Motorists are reminded that law enforcement agencies will again adopt a ‘Zero Tolerance’ approach to drunk drivers this festive season.


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