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Bay feral cats sterilized

Isizinda and Bayside sponsored the procedures as part of their corporate social investment

THE overpopulation of feral cats in Richards Bay has become an increasingly hairy situation, but Isizinda Aluminium and South32 Bayside last week launched a sterilisation project to address the problem.

Veterinarians from non-profit Cluny Animals’ Trust arrived at the aluminium plant on Friday, bringing the organisation’s mobile clinic from the Free State, and managed to take care of 57 felines during the weekend.

Cats caught from around the plant and at Naval Island were not only sterilised, but were also tested for feline Aids and leukaemia and received rabies vaccines, 3-in-1 boost vaccines and medication for ticks and fleas.

‘The decision was made, because as much as the cats are needed to control rat and mice populations, which can destroy cables and items kept in stores, they are multiplying and numbers are getting out of control,’ said Isizinda maintenance specialist Ronny Ackerman.

‘SPCA cannot render these services anymore owing to lack of funding from local government.

‘We thought to get other areas involved to make the trip worthwhile, and to sterilise as many cats as possible in proximity areas to stabilise the cat colony.’

Holding cages, food and cat litter sand were also sponsored by the project’s team members.

‘We would like to sincerely thank everybody who got involved, including Leomat Construction and Plant Hire, Scribante Construction and SNA Laboratories for additional sponsorships, as well as our ‘catchers’, SPCA Richards Bay chair Sarel Small and SPCA inspector Wynand Strauss for their hard work and commitment in helping our furry friends,’ said project organiser and Richards Bay Medical Institute representative, Heilke Ackerman.



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