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Champion Reg calls it a day

Community press doyenne leaves a lasting legacy

THE founder of the Zululand Observer, Regina Anthony, has announced her decision – at the age of 89 – to retire gracefully from the newspaper she single-handedly started in 1969.

Dubbed ‘the doyenne of the community press’, Reg (as she has been fondly known to generations of Zululanders) has not only achieved every possible milestone and accolade in her long and distinguished career, but has also guided – and goaded – scores of award-winning journalists and sales reps along the way.

A pioneer in a largely male-dominated newspaper world, who started out as a lone publicist, journalist, photographer, advertising rep, production team, distributor and more, Reg grew her business from a roneoed single page news sheet on her dining room table to a multi-million rand organisation currently employing close to 100 staff members.

Through astute business management and an absolute love for the news environment, Reg’s ’empire’ now entails three substantial buildings, a printing press and two regional offices that collectively produce eight separate publications.

A stickler for detail, customer service and commitment, Reg has lived through – and triumphed in – the evolution of the printed media from the early lead typesetting days to the current electronic online era, always remaining relevant despite the change of the medium, and always ready for a new challenge.

Business guru Raymond Ackerman shares a light-hearted moment with Regina Anthony
Business guru Raymond Ackerman shares a light-hearted moment with Regina Anthony

A prolific public speaker and with a true community heart, Reg has placed a high value on giving back to the community from which she wished to receive.

Businesswoman, mother, grandmother, great- grandmother church organist, philanthropist and with a dozen other hats she wears with distinction, she has consciously used her multi-award-winning newspaper and her personal influence as vehicles for upliftment and positive change.

With abandoned children, the elderly and the poorest of the poor nearest to her heart, Reg founded the DICE (Do I Care Enough?) charity arm of the Zululand Observer in 1973.

Like the newspaper, it has grown into a massive organisation that reaches into almost every corner of the community.

Over the years, her commitment to ‘local’ has extended to serving on the Empangeni Council; Chair and Patron of CANSA uThungulu; Chair and Honorary Life Member of Empangeni Child Welfare; Chair of the Zululand Chamber of Business Foundation; Exco member of Zululand Business Against Crime; and many other responsibilities.

Regina Anthony with business tycoon Louis Luyt
Regina Anthony with business tycoon
Louis Luyt

Likewise, Reg’s ‘trophy cabinet’ is filled with awards acknowledging her contribution to society at large, among them the Rotary International Paul Harris Fellowship.

By setting the highest standards for herself and insisting on the same from her staff, who despite her unrelenting attitude in demanding total commitment, have nothing but praise and admiration for this wonderful person, Reg has ensured her legacy will continue long past her retirement date.

‘Taking it easy’ has never been part of her vocabulary and she has carefully planned the succession of her two beloved ‘babies’ – the Zululand Observer and DICE.


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