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College students challenge SRC president election result

The elections, held a fortnight ago, were won by independent candidate Bonga Mthethwa

ESIKHALENI TVET College SASCO students are up in arms against what they call the interference by college campus manager which resulted in the poor showing of their candidate in the recent SRC elections.

On Monday and Tuesday they held a protest at the main college entrance, demanding the elections results be annulled and a re-run be held.

They claim the college conducted the elections on their own instead of involving IEC officials, and also accused the manager of manipulating the counting of the results so the independent candidate, supposedly co-opted by the college, could win the elections.

The elections, held a fortnight ago, were won by independent candidate Bonga Mthethwa.

It is reported Mthethwa had been the SRC president under the SASCO banner of the college branch, which was disbanded by the provincial SASCO body.

College communications manager Bhekani Ndlovu said Mthethwa still enjoyed enormous support from the students and they consequently requested him to contest the elections as an independent candidate.

He said the IEC was part of the election process, but because the IEC was short-staffed, it requested college personnel to assist in the process.

‘Why are they only contesting the elections’ outcome now, instead of having done so during the elections?

‘We understand it is their right to protest, but we request they do it in a responsible manner,’ Ndlovu said.


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