
Bay business break-ins on the rise.

Police have yet to confirm all of the incidents

A SPATE of break-ins have left Richards Bay’s business owners concerned.

The ZO has obtained reports that over the past two weeks some 12 businesses in the Richards Bay central business district have been broken into or have had attempted break-ins.

The majority of the businesses are situated on Bullion Boulevard, Peseta Parade, Rupee Riff and Krugerrand Grove.

According to Zululand Cycles there was an attempted break-in at their premises last week Wednesday at around 6am.

Camera footage caught three men wearing hoodies attempting, for some 25 minutes, to break the lock on the front door before being disturbed by early morning traffic and giving up.

Manager at Richards Bay Funerals, Anton Naidoo, said his company was broken into that same morning at around 06:30am, presumably by the same men.

Naidoo said after viewing the CCTV camera footage, the three men were able to break the lock on the front door of his company.

‘Two of the men walked into our offices while the one stood guard outside. They went straight in and took our printing/copying machine.’

Drop shop
According to Naidoo, he alerted his security company before being informed by another security company that they had seen some men drop off a printer at a repairs shop that morning.

Police then went to the shop where an alleged foreign national was found in possession of the printer and was arrested for dealing in stolen property.

Meanwhile, the manageress of Cash Build, Kathy Runjan, said that three men wearing gloves and masks broke into their premises last week Thursday.

They stole tools and electrical cables to the value of approximately R30 000.

‘The main problem is the green belt that is situated behind our premises. There is no access to that area where law enforcement agencies can patrol.

‘The municipality need to develop the area and create access points and roads so that we can put a stop to this.’

Zululand Business Against Crime manager Dave Whittaker said he was concerned that these break-ins had not been brought to his attention.

‘Businesses need to come together and form a Business CPF. We need to combat this sort of criminal activity by working closely with the SAPS in the area.’

Police have yet to confirm all of the incidents.


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