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UPDATE: Unizulu refutes ANC arrogance claim

'An email to the vice chancellor was sent to an incorrect email address'

THE University of Zululand has slammed claims by the Musa Dladla Region ANC leadership that the university management is ‘arrogant’.

At a media briefing following the regional lekgotla last week, King Cetshwayo District mayor Nonhle Mkhulisi and other leaders said they had been met with ‘serious arrogance’ from the leadership of the university.

‘The lekgotla afforded itself an opportunity to engage extensively with Unizulu to address the crises engulfing that institution,’ read a statement issued by the party.

‘The ANC in the region… attempted to speak to the leadership of the institution, but was met with serious arrogance,’ the statement continued.

But university spokeswoman Gcina Nhleko said the so-called crises facing Unizulu must be put into perspective.

‘Look at Durban, Johannesburg, Pretoria, Mafikeng and in the Western Cape and Bloemfontein,’ Nhleko said.

‘That is where the crisis is, not at Unizulu where the academic programme is proceeding and preparations are being made for examinations to take place, as well as the SRC elections,’ she said.

Students and lecturers last week reported that about 30% of classes were being attended as many students still had not returned to campus fearing another outbreak of violence.

More than 500 National Education, Health and Allied Workers Union staff at Unizulu have been on strike since 15 August amid student protests, a two-week shutdown of the main campus and media reports of sex and cash for degrees scandals at the institution.

Responding to queries regarding the statement issued by the ANC, Nhleko said an email to the vice chancellor was sent from a private email address to an incorrect email address on 26 September.

‘It was never received by the university,’ Nhleko said.

‘A subsequent email to the vice chancellor’s secretary’s correct email address was sent from the same private gmail address on 5 October. The secretary responded on the same day confirming receipt.

‘The next day the secretary responded again, requesting the sender to furnish Unizulu management with the names and portfolios of the ANC officials who would be attending the meeting and also the proposed agenda, and it was further requested this information be forwarded from ‘the official office email of the ANC Musa Dladla Region.’

Nhleko said no further response to the request was ever received.

‘It is difficult to fathom how arrogance can be identified in these exchanges,’ she concluded.


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