Man survives rhino attack

'I asked him to pray for me and felt the presence of God'

A ZIMBABWEAN lawyer charged by a black rhino in the Hluhluwe-iMfolozi Park last Friday, is on the mend after suffering an open wound, fractured ribs and a dislocated shoulder.

Tim Tanser (71) was on a game walk with a tour guide, his son Frank and his two teenage grandsons, Christopher (15) and Anthony (13), when they had a run in with the two ton animal at about 5.30pm.

Frank said the family were visiting the park for his 45th birthday celebration and he had planned a game walk , something they had done numerous times in Zimbabwe.

‘We had seen lots of game and were coming to the end of our tour when we spotted a black rhino some 80 metres away.

‘While we had seen white rhino earlier, we were cautious with the black rhino, known to be temperamental and charge without being provoked.

‘Our guide instructed us to lie on the ground while he took the frontal attack and tried to scare the animal away.

‘Instead, it charged him and he was tossed by the animal and lost control of his rifle. We got up and ran in two different directions.

Read the full story in the ZO Monday edition.


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