
Blue Monday for Bay businesses

Businesses buckle under burglaries in the Bay

IT was blue Monday for at least two Richards Bay businesses with break-ins at a stationary store and a motor dealership, resulting in the loss of expensive electronic equipment and property damage.

A stationary chain store in a shopping complex suffered the loss of their electronic display, after burglars gained entry through the roof, seemingly in the early hours of Sunday morning.

At the time of going to print, the damage and loss were still being calculated.

Laptops and cell phones were stripped from the display.

Police visited the scene to process the forensic evidence shortly before opening of business.

A car dealer in Richards Bay suffered the same fate on Saturday, when perpetrators gained entry through the perimeter fence and into the building, also targeting electronic equipment such as laptops.

According to reports the police attended the scene quickly to process fingerprints and forensic evidence.

Both businesses declined to comment on the incidents.

According to SAPS National Crime Statistics 2015/2016, released in September, Richards Bay suffered 233 burglaries at non-residential premises and Empangeni 274.

Business robberies and thefts are bleeding the economy dry as owners have to fork out for insurance premiums, alarm systems, close-circuit cameras, guards and store detectives and lost operational hours.


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