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SA National Human Trafficking Resource Line launched

Freedom Generation's Caroline Pitout will be live on North Coast Radio 104.0 at 1pm today

MEMBERS of the public and victims will now be able to report human trafficking or suspected human trafficking anonymously to a specialised helpline – 0800 222 777 – with access to various support services countrywide.

The South African National Human Trafficking Resource Line (SANHTRL) officially launched on Monday, providing every citizen with a support tool and helpline to assist victims and counter growing concerns about human trafficking activities, which is now widely reported throughout the country.

The helpline was applaud by members of the KZN Harmful Traditional Practices, Human Trafficking, Pornography, Prostitution and Brothels Task team of which the Zululand Observer is a media partner.

At a task team meeting in Durban on Thursday, the helpline was described as a method to refer a case, request support or training and to assist channeling human trafficking reports to the correct government departments or NGOs.

Advice and guidance will be available to victims, members of the public, social workers, police officials, legal practitioners and doctors for referrals and to connect with partner-organisations.

The system will collect and capture data and channel calls to organisations and stakeholders in the province it originates from.

Crisis calls will include calls from self-identifying victims in need of immediate assistance or individuals on behalf of a potential victim needing immediate assistance.

Potential minor victims may be regarded as a crisis even if the situation is not an emergency.

Tips can include reports of potential trafficking victims, suspicious behaviors, and/or locations where trafficking is suspected to be occurring.

Possible callers:
Victims of human trafficking
Friends and family members of victims
Social service providers
Law enforcement
Medical professionals
Legal professionals
Government employees
Public prosecutors, lawyers and judges
Educators and students
Community members
Anyone who comes into contact with a potential victim
Anyone who wants to learn more or get involved

Helpline operating hours
The South African National Human Trafficking Resource Line is available to answer all urgent calls from anywhere in the country, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, every day of the year. For informational calls, call within general office hours.

Anonymous and confidential
The caller can choose to stay anonymous, in compliance with the South African National Human Trafficking Resource Line’s Confidentiality Policy, unless the caller chooses to provide his or her name and contact information and authorises its use.

This information is not given to law enforcement, other individuals, or agencies without prior consent.

In limited circumstances, certain authorities will be informed such as suspected child abuse, if there is reason to believe the caller may harm his/her self or others, or if we required by law.

In other circumstances, where a caller prefers to remain anonymous, his/her privacy will be protected while the information they have conveyed, will be shared with appropriate organisations.

NGOs willing to assist, are requested to sign up as Referral Partners for KZN by sending an email to the SA National Human Trafficking Resource Line at info@0800222777.org.za.

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