
Family survives Monzi farm attack

The family only left the safety of the bedroom once security officers and neighbours arrived to assist.

A FAMILY reunion turned into a nightmare earlier this month when a group of armed men attacked a farm estate in Monzi near Matubatuba.

The family’s two daughters, living in Singapore and Hong Kong, visited their parents along with their four girls, aged between nine months and five years.

They awoke at 11pm by what that sounded like a metal bucket being kicked over, followed by a male voice.

On inspection the owner’s son-in-law, Neil, discovered that armed robbers had broken a gate in the passage leading to the bedrooms.

He came face-to-face with one of the robbers and instinctively lashed out, hitting him in the face.

The robber reacted, firing his gun and nicking his ear.

He called out, instructing the women to gather the children and assemble in the main bedroom.

There Neil used his body weight to hold the door shut while the rest of the family hid in a shower.

Two more gunshots were fired.

The family only left the safety of the bedroom once security officers and neighbours arrived to assist.

The house turned upside down, mattresses overturned and many portable valuables such as cellphones, laptops, sunglasses and watches stolen.

No major injuries were sustained in the incident.


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