
Public meeting to address crime in Brackenham tonight

Brackenham residents urged to attend crime meeting this evening.

BRACKENHAM has been hard hit by a spate of armed house robberies and ‘fed up’ residents are joining forces to put an end to criminal activity.

A public meeting is taking place today (Wednesday) at the Brackenham Community Hall at 6pm with the Richards Bay SAPS, Brackenham Community Policing Forum (CPF) and Brackenham Community Crime Watch (BCCW), to address crime and discuss crime prevention measures.

According to BCCW Chairperson Ray Govender, many families have been targeted by armed robbers this year and crime has spiralled out of control.

The BCCW is a community crime prevention initiative where residents conduct night patrols to deter criminal activities.

They recently launched the street neighbourhood watches programme and residents are kept up to date with activities in their area.

‘We want residents to have a relationship with their neighbours and to assist each other in reporting suspicious activities.

‘Several crimes have been foiled through quick intervention and speedy response by community members and security companies.

‘BCCW is conducting patrols at night, but robberies are also taking place during the day and we have appealed to police and local security companies to conduct daytime patrols.

‘Residents must be on high alert and have their gates and doors locked at all times as criminals are striking at anytime.

‘We encourage every Brackenham resident to attend this critical meeting to avoid more people becoming victims of crime.’


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