Conflict resolution needs urgent attention

An increase in vigilante attacks in Zululand blamed on unresolved social injustices.

TOO many Zululanders do not take the necessary steps to confront issues of social injustice through the right channels.

This is the opinion of uThungulu Community Foundation Chairman Chris Mkhize, who said he ‘fears the further breakdown of social order in our society’.

‘It is my view that some of the main reasons for these breakdowns are that very often, wrongs against our citizens are not formally reported, and even when they are, they are not always properly documented to be resolved. We must examine the reasons for this.’

Mkhize believes in many instances it ultimately leads to groups taking the law into their own hands.

‘For many people it not only means righting a wrong, but deem it necessary to regain their self-respect and the respect of their fellow community members.

‘In time, failed resolution of problems inevitably leads to an escalation in the destruction of civil order.’

He called for the South Africa Police Service (SAPS) and other law enforcement agencies such as tribal courts and government departments, to prioritise conflict resolution to successfully tackle rising crime and violence in the region.

‘We have seen a steep rise in the number of vigilante attacks on suspected criminals.

‘To change this unsatisfactory situation, all employees dealing with citizen complaints in organisations require urgent and properly structured training.

‘Investigating, documenting and finalising citizen complaints should be enhanced.

‘All South Africans must be knowledgeable of, and endeavour to uphold our Constitution to protect the basic human rights of both themselves and that of fellow citizens.

‘Chapter 2 of our South African Constitution highlights our rights to equality, human dignity, freedom, security, privacy and freedom of expression enunciated for our own protection,’ Mkhize said.


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