Child-headed Bay family gets new home

Zwane also unveiled a community center at Port Dunford which will service a number of communities and surrounding areas.

A RICHARDS Bay based child-headed family is one of 44 families who received new homes thanks to the Department of Mineral Recourses and Richards Bay Minerals.

The houses were built as part of a social and labour programme targeting previously disadvantaged communities in the area,  and were handed over by Minister of Mineral Resources Mosebenzi Zwane.

The Msweli family, a child-headed household of 12, will be moving into their new home next week.

Zwane also unveiled a community center at Port Dunford, the Thusong Service Center which will service communities of KwaMkhwanazi, Dube, Mbonambi, Sokhulu and surrounding areas.

‘The center will have services from SASSA, a satellite police station, the Department of Home Affairs, a community hall and early childhood development center,’ the Department said.

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