Umfolozi Municipality unlocks widows’ minds

Summit to unlock widows' minds

THEY came from all rural corners to attend the 2016 uMfolozi Widows Summit, hosted by the municipality to discuss the problems and challenges facing widows.

The 15 municipal wards each selected five widows to represent the widows’ forums.

The life-changing gathering took place from 13-15 May, and was held at Meet Mekaar Conference Centre.

Among the list of problems facing them, they complained about the practice of wearing black or blue clothing for a year, when mourning their late husbands.

They also complained about being forced to ‘marry’ the brother or a relative of their late husbands, which according to African belief is the custom used to prevent the widowed wife from marrying or dating someone from outside the husband’s family, consequently having children of a different surname.

Others complained about having fallen victim to being denied access to their late husband’s estate, vehicles taken away, and even being chased out of their homes.

In providing resolutions, Municipal Manager K Gamede said it will prioritise providing bursaries for the widows’ children, the possibility of implementing spousal benefits, the establishment of women forums, formation of one stop shop widows’ matters offices, and training of municipal employees on how to treat the widows with dignity and respect.

The municipality also promised to ring-fence some of its tenders with an intention to give the widows first priority, and to train widows on farming and business skills, as well as how to do budgeting and the formation of stokvels.

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Municipal Mayor Cllr SW Mgenge commended the widows for their strength and resilience.

‘After this summit your lives must change. Go back to your communities and make a difference.

‘We will use this summit as a pilot project. We have budgeted R500 000 to cater for the needs of the women from our communities, which will be doubled next year.

‘Of the 15 wards represented by the five interim structure mamas, each group will be given R10 000 in June to assist with the formation of community projects such vegetable gardens and keeping chickens,’ he promised.

In conclusion, Mgenge said in August the municipality will present each women’s forum with R50 000, to continue their projects.



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