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9 ways you can protect your family online

In this day and age, parents have so much on their plate. Not only do you have to worry about the physical safety of your children and family members, but also their vulnerability online.

IT is often a fine balance to create a safe environment where your family members are able to surf the net without the threat of predators.

Security is as important online as it is in the real world. It is vital for parents to educate their family members, especially children, on using the net responsibly and safely.

The appropriate ‘rules’ for online use obviously vary by age, maturity of the child and your personal set of family values, but the following mantras should be instilled across the board:

  1.  Tell your children to never give out personal information such as their passwords, your work/home address, telephone number, without your permission.
  2. Ask them to always report something or someone that makes them feel uncomfortable or uneasy.
  3.  Ask them to always check with you before agreeing to get together with someone they have met online.
  4. Talk to them about posting pictures online and to get your approval first before posting.
  5. Encourage them to not respond to online bullying and mean messages that make them feel uncomfortable and to tell you right away.
  6.  Sit down with your children and set up specific rules on using their mobile phone. Together you can decide a time of day, length of time online and appropriate sites and links to visit.
  7.  Ask them to check with you before downloading or installing software or doing anything that could possibly hurt their computer or mobile device or jeopardise your family’s privacy.
  8. Make sure they also follow the rules of being a good online user by not posting mean and hurtful messages on other people’s profiles.
  9. Help them understand how to have fun and learn new things on the Internet without being vulnerable to online predators.

Get your children to download the ADT find you app on their smartphones or smart devices, should they ever find themselves in a sticky situation, wherever they are and when they need help, ADT will find them.

They should also save emergency numbers such as the company’s 0861212301.

Follow ADT on their Facebook page and learn more about how they can keep your memories safe. Alternatively, email Les Rungasamy on nrungasamy@adt.co.za


Also read: It takes a village to fight crime


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