
Community crime fighters need more volunteers

Community take action against crime

CRIME has led community members in Brackenham to take to the streets as a proactive measure to deter criminal activities in the suburb.

The Brackenham Community Crime Watch, formed by a group of concerned residents, is addressing crime levels with night patrols.

According to one of the members, Ray Govender, there are only 25 committed volunteers dedicating their time to patrols from 10pm to 5am on a daily basis.

‘Considering the number of households, we need more people on our crime watch patrols.

‘We would also like to appeal to security companies to support us and for local businesses to donate torches, reflective jackets and even bullet–proof vests if possible.

‘We are not here to catch the criminals, but merely to chase them away and make our community a safer place,’ said Govender

‘The community needs to come on board. We need more volunteers so help reduce the times each group spends out on patrol and cover all the streets.

‘Winter is around the corner and criminals will intensify their efforts and we need to be one step ahead and prepared,’ said Govender.

If you would like to join the Crime Watch patrols, contact Ray on 083 3304825 or meet at the Brackenham Centre Caltex Petrol Station at 10pm.

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