
Municipal roadshow turns gloomy

The poor attendance could be contributed to poor planning of the event, as raised by an annoyed iNkosi TW Zulu of KwaMondi.

THERE was a disappointing attendance of the uThungulu and uMlalazi Integrated Development Plan roadshow at KwaMondi, eShowe recently. 

The poor attendance could be contributed to poor planning of the event, as raised by an annoyed iNkosi TW Zulu of KwaMondi.

He said that he had only been invited on the morning of the event. He added that this is disrespectful.

He continued to insinuate that he would not be surprised if the people were told the night before the event.

Skimming through the information, the speakers hurriedly presented the confusing figures to the people.

With a budget of R1.075-billion, uThungulu focused on finishing the many projects started during previous years.

The changes in the municipal boundaries was noted.

The Ntambanana Municipality will be assimilated into three other municipalities.

uMhlathuze would gain Ntambanana wards 5,7 and 8, uMfolozi ward 6 and Mthonjaneni Municipality would gain wards 1, 2, 3 and 4.

In his address, uMlalazi Mayor, Cllr TB Zulu denounced any corruption allegations against him.

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