Blood stocks need a boost

Severe blood shortage

COUNTRY-wide blood stock levels have reached a critical low with only about two days of supply available.

That is according to the South African National Blood Service (SANBS), which is experiencing a severe blood shortage and urge new and existing donors to visit their nearest blood donor centre to help increase stocks.

According to SANBS KZN Public Relations Practitioner, Dennis Ngongoma, SANBS needs to maintain a blood stock level of five days at all times, by collecting 3 000 units per day to meet the demand of the thousands of patients who are reliant on blood transfusions for their survival.

‘We are experiencing a national blood crisis because our daily collections are not being met.

‘Our schools make up 60% of our collections and due to the school holidays we fail to reach these donors.

‘This Friday and Saturday we will be hosting a promotional blood drive at Richards Bay Blood Donor Centre with radio station, Vuma FM at the Boardwalk Inkwazi Shopping Centre to help boost blood stocks,’ said Ngongoma.

Members of the public who meet the minimum requirements to give the gift of life by becoming regular donors can visit the Centre.

The minimum requirements are that donors must be between 16 and 65 years, weigh more than 50kg and lead a sexually safe lifestyle.

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